Friday, July 25, 2008

Progress on 8N08

I have finished exercise number 2--created a flckr account "cindy trip's stuff" and fooled around with mashups. I found which is a site that shows houses in your neighborhood where rotten neighbors live! None in my zip code--at least none identified--but a few in Brunswick, including a woman who calls her children morons and "whoops" them in public daily.

Zoe folding towels

Zoe is a tremendous help around the house--always diving in to help wherever help is needed. Here she is taking a break from folding towels.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Dog Zoe

My dog Zoe is now 20 months old. She is a Cavachon--half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and half Bichon Frise. Very fluffy, very friendly and perky.