Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm all done with 8N08

I finished number 8! Did some searching on myspace, looking for people in my area by limiting the search to a 5 mile radius of my zip code. I did not find anyone I recognized. Then I did some searching by body type, height, sexual orientation, relationship status. Honestly I find this rather creepy. On to Shelfari, not something I'll probably use too much but at least it doesn't give me the heebie-jeebies like myspace. I added some books and then put my shelf on my blog. Ta dah!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wiki what?

Finished number 7 of 8N08. I did some looking through wikis for relaxation techniques and yoga, including and There's a lot out there but honestly I'd rather go to a known entity website. Maybe I need to look up some weirder stuff??

Monday, November 24, 2008

Done with 6, 2 to go!

I successfully finished exercise number 6, listening to Nancy Pearl's podcast then onto downloading and listening to a snippet of 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. Also, managed to watch/listen to 14 of the 16 short videos which tell you all about OverDrive Media Console and downloading audiobooks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Number 5!

I've learned to add RSS feeds to my favorites and now can check up on all the latest news very easily!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

4 Down, 4 To Go

Finally finished the first 4 8N08 exercises...I think the last one actually counts for 2 to 3 on its own. So I did some searching in Rollyo. Might be useful for searching children's crafts since there are some searchrolls already created. Started my own searchroll but very slow computer wouldn't let me import my bookmarks.
Then went onto Pandora and started my own station seeded with Train.
Explored many pages on webjunction...lots of stuff to explore when there is time. I added a few readers advisory pages to my bookmarks and last, but not least, created this image at imagegeneratorblog. Also discovered at this site, a talk like a pirate translator which will be helpful for International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19). Arrggh!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Exercise 3 of 8N08

I finished the third exercise: reading about and using tags. After reading the Library Journal article and exploring,, and, I now know how to tag and look at tag clouds. I added the tag "humor" to some children's books on, including Imogene's Antlers. I also added the tags "tagging", "8N08" and "flickr" to my blog posts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Progress on 8N08

I have finished exercise number 2--created a flckr account "cindy trip's stuff" and fooled around with mashups. I found which is a site that shows houses in your neighborhood where rotten neighbors live! None in my zip code--at least none identified--but a few in Brunswick, including a woman who calls her children morons and "whoops" them in public daily.